DML - How much or how long should I use CeraLift?

Results vary from person to person, however many start to see results as early as 2 weeks, and it typically takes 3 months to restore your Ceramide levels. 

It typically takes 4-5 months to turn the tide against Oxidative Rot, and the many toxins that build up in the skin over the years. That’s to be expected after decades of exposure, and it’s why customers notice the most significant changes after 120+ days of CeraLift therapy.

You can double up your daily dose if you want to see faster results. In either case, you’ll experience the very best results after several months.

After Taking Ceralift Daily For 1 Month,

Many customers report: 

  • Regaining fullness and smoothness in their skin 
  • Less wrinkles and dryness

After Taking Ceralift Daily For 2 Months,

Many customers report:

  • Skin plumping, looking more radiant and hydrated
  • Eyelids looking tight and pores on cheeks smaller
  • Wrinkles continuing to fade
  • Positive changes in their neck
  • Strangers, friends and family commenting on their youthful appearance, 10+ years younger than their actual age

After Taking Ceralift Daily For 3+ Months,

Many customers report:

  • Regaining their confidence, finally feeling at home in their skin and body
  • Positive changes in their neck, arms, and overall body, not just their face
  • No longer needing any other facial products or moisturizers
  • A daily glow as if they’d applied highlighter
  • Radiant, plump skin, fine lines diminished, age spots vanished
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