DML - How much CeraLift should I order?

You’re welcome to start with one bottle, but Dr. Chasan recommends ordering a 3-bottle or 6-bottle package, for three reasons:

  • IMPORTANT: Ceramosides are extremely rare and difficult to extract, and there have been times in the past when we have been unable to source them for several months. You’re protected from these supply interruptions if you 3-bottle or 6-bottle options.
  • Even though you may start to see results as early as 2 week, it typically takes 3 months to restore your Ceramide levels. You can double up your daily dose if you want to see faster results. In either case, you’ll experience the best results after several months.
  • It typically takes 4-5 months to turn the tide against Oxidative Rot, and the many toxins that build up in the skin over the years. That’s to be expected after decades of exposure, and it’s why customers notice the most significant changes after 120+ days of CeraLift therapy.

No matter what package you choose, you’re protected by our one-year guarantee, so you can order with confidence, and know that you’re getting the best protection in the skincare industry.

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