DML - Thyroid, Hair Loss, and RejuvaTress

Thinning hair is a sign that thyroid hormones may be out of balance. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause hair to fall out all over the head (vs in patches) due to hormonal changes. You should seek the help of a qualified functional health practitioner assess the root cause. Making healthy choices combined with thyroid treatment can help your hair regrow over time.

As for using RejuvaTress, we’ve taken great care to formulate RejuvaTress so it will not interfere with most common medications, including those for the treatment of diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, and high blood pressure. It would be a great addition to your plan in healing your thyroid..but we recommend you check with your doctor before using it to ensure that it is appropriate for your unique treatment plan. This would also apply to any dietary supplement that you are considering using.

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